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30. Maj   Sporsessioner   11.00-12.30

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Visioner og krav til fremtidens virksomheder

  • Gorm Nissen

  • Nicole Pemberton

  • Esther Emborg Bünemann

Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse​

  • ​Sara Krüger Falk 

  • Marcus Feldthus

  • Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



  • Anna Paldam Folker

  • Charlotte Louise Jensen

  • Clara Dawe

Hvad er "trivsel" i en trivselsøkonomi?

Sund By Netværket
Wellbeing Economy Lab

  • ​Charlotte Iisager Petersen

  • Michael Birkjær

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Det gode grønne liv lokalt

  • Ida Auken

  • Jacob Rask

  • Sarah Gregersen

  • Ditte Vesterager Christensen

Copenhagen Doughnut
Region Hovedstaden
Københavns Kommune
Grønne Nabofællesskaber

  • Bent Mariager

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Flere medejere af fremtiden 

  • Pernille Skipper

  • Jens Jonatan Steen


Tænketanken Demokratisk Erhverv
Ungeprojektet Demokratisk TalentLAB

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Strategier til forsvar for biodiversiteten

  • Daniel Flendt Dreesen

  • Mette Termansen

  • Alexander Holm

Tænketanken Hav

  • ​Tobias Udsholt

  • Phie Ambo

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Taxation as a Tool for the Green and Just Transition

  • Suranjali Tandon

  • Tove Maria Ryding

  • Franziska Mager

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe 

Tax Justice Network 



National Institute on Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP). 

  • Martin Brehm Christensen

  • Mukupa Nsenduluka


30. Maj   Sporsessioner   11.00-12.30

Visioner og krav til fremtidens virksomheder


Økonomiens rolle og retning

OPLEV: Gorm Nissen  | Nicole Pemberton | Esther Emborg Bünemann | Marcus Feldthus | Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen

ARRANGØR(ER): Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse

Hvad er "trivsel" i en trivselsøkonomi?

Retfærdig fremtid

OPLEV: Anna Paldam Folker | Charlotte Louise Jensen | Clara Dawe | Michael Birkjær | Moderator: Charlotte Iisager Petersen

ARRANGØR(ER): Wellbeing Economy Lab | Sund By Netværket

Det gode grønne liv lokalt

Spor: Krisernes rod og forebyggelse

OPLEV: Ida Auken | Jacob Rask | Sarah Gregersen | Ditte Vesterager Christensen | Bent Mariager

ARRANGØR(ER): Copenhagen Doughnut | Region Hovedstaden | Københavns Kommune | Grønne Nabofællesskaber

Uanset baggrund, vil man kunne få sin nysgerrighed stillet gennem de 24 sporsessioner, fordelt på 6 tematiske spor arrangeret af indholdspartnere på tværs af den civile-, private-, og offentlige sektor

Flere medejere af fremtiden 

Spor: Demokratisering af økonomien

OPLEV: Pernille Skipper | Jens Jonatan Steen

ARRANGØR(ER): Tænketanken Demokratisk Erhverv | Ungeprojektet Demokratisk TalentLAB

Strategier til forsvar for biodiversiteten


Økonomiens rolle og retning

OPLEV: Gorm Nissen  | Nicole Pemberton | Esther Emborg Bünemann | Marcus Feldthus | Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen

ARRANGØR(ER): Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse

Visioner og krav til fremtidens virksomheder

Økonomiens rolle og retning

OPLEV: Gorm Nissen  | Nicole Pemberton | Esther Emborg Bünemann | Marcus Feldthus | Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen

ARRANGØR(ER): Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse

Spor: Forandring gennem natur og kultur



Strategier til forsvar for biodiversiteten

  • Daniel Flendt Dreesen

  • Mette Termansen

  • Alexander Holm

Tænketanken Hav

  • ​Tobias Udsholt

  • Phie Ambo

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



The Hidden Costs of the Food System 

  • Gorm Nissen

  • Nicole Pemberton

  • Esther Emborg Bünemann


  • ​Sara Krüger Falk 

  • Marcus Feldthus

  • Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen

Spor: Forandring gennem natur og kultur



Fra mistrivsel til harmoni: kunstens rolle i sundhedsfremmende indsatser

  • Eva Hjelms

  • Anna Paldam Folker

  • Andreas Vetö

Sund By Netværket
Statens Institut for Folkesundhed
Danmarks Underholdningsorkester

  • Charlotte Iisager Petersen

  • Strygerkvartet fra Danmarks Underholdningsorkester

Spor: Krisernes rod og forebyggelse



Hvordan kan cirkulær økonomi bidrage til en økonomi indenfor de planetære grænser?

  • Peter Birch Sørensen

  • Karin Klitgaard

  • Lars Fogh Mortensen

  • Aske Nydam Guldberg

Danmarks Naturfredningsforening  

Dansk Industri 

Ingeniørforeningen – IDA 

Det Europæiske Miljøagentur 

  • Linea Søgaard-Lidell

  • Samira Nawa

  • Mette Abildgaard

  • Anne Paulin

  • Marianne Bigum

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



The Hidden Costs of the Food System 

  • Gorm Nissen

  • Nicole Pemberton

  • Esther Emborg Bünemann


  • ​Sara Krüger Falk 

  • Marcus Feldthus

  • Mathias Louis Holdsbjerg-Larsen

30. Maj   Sporsessioner   14.00-15.30

Spor: Trivselsøkonomi i et globalt perspektiv



Taxation as a Tool for the Green and Just Transition

  • Suranjali Tandon

  • Tove Maria Ryding

  • Franziska Mager

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe 

Tax Justice Network 



National Institute on Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP). 

  • Martin Brehm Christensen

  • Mukupa Nsenduluka

Spor: Demokratisering af økonomien



Mobilizing academia for just postgrowth futures   

  • Vasna Ramasar

  • Line Marie Thorsen

  • Laura Horn

  • Linda Luciani

The UCPH Degrowth Network
Degrowth CPH

  • Rebecca Leigh Rutt

  • Fernando Racimo

Spor: Retfærdig fremtid


Utopiske Visioner for Fremtiden

  • Charlotte Bundhund



Spor: Forandring gennem natur og kultur


Fra skærm til skov: naturbaserede løsninger på trivselskrisen

  • Dorthe Varning Poulsen

  • Thomas Neumann

  • Sarah Kisbye


Danmarks Naturfredningsforening
Københavns Universitet

Spor: Trivselsøkonomi i et globalt perspektiv


The EU's role in a just global economy: stepping up to shape the future

  • Tanya Cox


Globalt Focus

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Utopiske Visioner for Fremtiden

  • Charlotte Bundhund



Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Hvordan kan cirkulær økonomi bidrage til en økonomi indenfor de planetære grænser?

  • Peter Birch Sørensen

  • Karin Klitgaard

  • Lars Fogh Mortensen

  • Aske Nydam Guldberg

Danmarks Naturfredningsforening  

Dansk Industri 

Ingeniørforeningen – IDA 

Det Europæiske Miljøagentur 

  • Linea Søgaard-Lidell

  • Samira Nawa

  • Mette Abildgaard

  • Anne Paulin

  • Marianne Bigum

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Mobilizing academia for just postgrowth futures    

  • Vasna Ramasar

  • Line Marie Thorsen

  • Laura Horn

  • Linda Luciani

The UCPH Degrowth Network
Degrowth CPH

  • Rebecca Leigh Rutt

  • Fernando Racimo

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning



Fra mistrivsel til harmoni: kunstens rolle i sundhedsfremmende indsatser

  • Eva Hjelms

  • Anna Paldam Folker

  • Andreas Vetö

Sund By Netværket
Statens Institut for Folkesundhed
Danmarks Underholdningsorkester

  • Charlotte Iisager Petersen

  • Strygerkvartet fra Danmarks Underholdningsorkester

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Fra skærm til skov: naturbaserede løsninger på trivselskrisen

  • Dorthe Varning Poulsen

  • Thomas Neumann

  • Sarah Kisbye


Danmarks Naturfredningsforening
Københavns Universitet

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


The EU's role in a just global economy: stepping up to shape the future

  • Tanya Cox


Globalt Focus

Citrus Fruits

31. Maj   Sporsessioner   11.00-12.30

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Vorby – på opdagelse i en by hvor mennesker trives

  • Sara Gry Striegler

  • Oskar Stokholm Østergaard

  • Sidsel Winther

  • Simone Aslak


Dansk Design Center
Designskolen Kolding

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Fra planetære grænser til planetær politik - hvordan skaber vi fremtidens grønne regulering?

  • Cecilie Friis

  • Rune Baastrup

  • Karin Klitgaard

  • Peter Andreas Norn


Democracy X

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Can deliberative methods open up the economy's power apparatus to citizens?

  • Ted Howard

  • Emma Holten

  • Kolja Dalin


WEDO Democracy
Nyt Europa

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


To talks 1) Bevægelsen tilbage til meningsfuldhed og balance
2) Økonomiske veje til genforvildet natur

  • Maj My Humaidan

  • Anders Morgenthaler

  • Jacob Jelsing


  • Maj My Humaidan

  • Anders Morgenthaler

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Hvem har ansvaret for de ufødte?

  • Sophie Howe

  • Daria Krivonos

  • Michael Birkjær

  • Anja Bo


Wellbeing Economy Lab, WELA
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, CIFS

31. Maj   Sporsessioner   14.00-15.30

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Cirkulær økonomi - fra vision til virkelighed

  • Peter Birch Sørensen

  • Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen

  • Line Kvartborg Vestergaard

  • Stine Hach Juul Madsen


Green Solutions Centre

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Education as a driver of change – towards a wellbeing economy

  • Nadia Raphael Rathje

  • Irene Tollefsen

  • Eduard Beukman


Partnerskaberne for Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling
Global Student Forum

Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Centering Care Towards a Wellbeing Economy Beyond Growth

  • Ritu Verma

  • Emma Holten

  • Fati Nzi-Hassane



Spor: Økonomiens rolle og retning


Renouncing green extractivism in Europe’s Energy Transition 

  • Fadhel Kaboub
    Diego Marin


Rethinking Economics Danmark
Degrowth Copenhagen


Days with keynotes,

debates and workshops on Wellbeing Economics


Plenaries with speeches from key experts and debate between candidates for the EU parliamentary elections


Track Sessions on Wellbeing Economy organized by content partners


Participants across sectors and political divides

Wellbeing Economy:

A unifying framework for dialogue on connected crises

There is increasing debate about the role of the economic system in relation to current global crises within, among other things, climate, biodiversity, social cohesion and psychological unhappiness. 


The concept of the Wellbeing Economy is considered by many to be a viable framework for solutions that address the crises together and put the wellbeing of people and the planet at the core of the economy's purpose.


A number of governments from Canada, Wales, Iceland, Scotland, Finland, and New Zealand are already implementing concrete policies based on the Wellbeing Economy framework and principles. Under the auspices of the EU, the concept is gaining ground. It now appears from the framework for the European semester that new indicators within the Wellbeing Economy must be reflected, and there is talk of an EU commissioner for Wellbeing Economy. Such initiatives can support the EU's commitment to an economy that puts citizens' quality of life and the wellbeing of the planet at the centre.


The conference brings the concept into a Danish context. Here, experts, decision-makers, companies and socially engaged organizations and citizens across generations meet to explore and discuss the potential of the Wellbeing Economy as a response to the problems we face in Denmark, in the EU and globally. 


The aim is to create a unifying framework for dialogue and cooperation across sectors and political divides in recognition that the linked crises cannot be tackled in isolation, but require a holistic effort across society.


Through lectures, workshops, panel debates, nature experiences and cultural elements, the conference participants will experience a number of leading Danish and international experts and practitioners in the field.


As a central element, the conference will create space for a public debate on Wellbeing Economy and related topics in the run-up to the EP elections on 9 June 2024.


The conference is organized by WEAll DK, the Danish hub for the global network Wellbeing Economy Alliance, who, through knowledge sharing, collaboration and joint initiatives, work to promote a Wellbeing Economy.

Cloud in the Sky_edited.jpg

The conference will take place May 30th and 31st at University of Copenhagen, Campus Amager. 


Sign up here


Participation fee is 100 DKK per day.

The conference is supported by:

CISU logo.png

The conference will build bridges and actively promote a mind set, which is necessary for systemic solutions

...and how we will promote it

The mindset

of the conference...

Transformative solutions

rather than incremental approach

An incremental approach underestimates the complexity and interconnectedness of systemic problems, leading to inadequate solutions.

The conference focuses on transformative solutions and systemic changes rather than small, gradual improvements. The framework for and expectations of the conversations must be a perspective that addresses the root of the problem rather than treating the symptoms of the problem. 

Structural change

rather than focusing on the individual

By focusing primarily on individual actions, the deeper structural causes of systemic problems are overlooked.

The focus of the solutions brought into play at the conference must lie on structural changes and systemic solutions that go beyond individual actions. Speakers and experts will be asked to shed light on how structural change can lead to more lasting improvements rather than focusing on the individual's room for action. 

Holistic thinking

rather than silo thinking

Silo thinking hinders a holistic understanding of systemic issues by isolating knowledge and perspectives within narrow areas.

Society is permeated by sectors, and the political system is divided into ministries and committees, each with their own areas of responsibility. It is practical, but it often prevents the possibility of thinking across the board, which systemic crises require. The conference seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and holistic thinking, which builds bridges between society's traditional silos. 

Long-term strategy

rather than short-term thinking

Focus on quick fixes rather than long-term strategies can be a barrier to effectively addressing systemic problems.

The conference supports the development of long-term strategies and plans that focus on the opportunities of future generations. It must be carried forward by a positive vision of the future, where the central question is how we create a society for our children and grandchildren, where the quality of life and the wellbeing of the planet are in focus.

Inclusive political dialogue

rather than political positioning

Sharp political positioning often creates polarization and hinders the development of consensus-based, systemic solutions.

With a diverse group of participants, across sectors, the conference will aim to be a neutral ground for inclusive political dialogue. The focus will be on the open conversation, which leads to thoughtfulness and reflection, without the requirement to deliver all the solutions. The joint dialogue will seek to build bridges between different political perspectives and solutions.

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For more information about WEAll DK and how you

or your organization can engage in the network,

please write or sign up for our newsletter

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