The UN's role in a just global economy: moving beyond GDP for the future

30. maj 14.00-15.30 - Audi 3 - 22.0.11
Talk and debate
What is the role of the United Nations in the path towards a global wellbeing economy? In the fall of 2024, the UN Secretary-General is inviting leaders to a Summit of the Future, aimed at strengthening the framework and trust in the multilateral system. Included in the outline for the outcome document* is a clear commitment to go 'beyond GDP' and establish a framework that prioritizes well-being, respect for people and the planet, and increased solidarity to ensure sustainable development. For a large organization like the UN, this requires robust methods and goals for wellbeing, but what should they look like – and who should define them? We are taking a first step on this path by bringing together key actors to define and address this issue.

Jens Christian Wandel, Forperson, FN Forbundet

Toke Hanghøj, head of communications, Institute for Future Research

Sara Krüger Falk, Director, Global Compact Network Denmark

Julie Rosenkilde, Head of Secretariat, New Europe